This blog is intended to help teachers who want to use more technology in their classrooms but feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of material out there, or who are just looking for some new ideas. I will try to show what technology has worked and what hasn't worked for me, from both learning and classroom management perspectives.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How Twitter Inspired Me, How it Could Inspire You

In my first post, I would like to take some time to explain how I was inspired to start this blog. I have to give most of the credit to Twitter and my PLN (personal learning network). I joined Twitter months ago not really knowing how I wanted to use it. I already use Facebook to keep up with my friends and Twitter just seemed like one more thing to keep up with. I wasn't following many people and almost nobody was following me (to follow on Twitter means to subscribe to someone's updates), and why would they, I was not adding any updates. Then, @dearlibrariann started tweeting some things that gave me ideas of how to integrate technology in my class. I looked to see who she followed on Twitter and started following some of the same people. All of a sudden a whole new learning environment opened up to me. I was learning at least three new things about technology everyday that I thought could enhance learning. Twitter then led to blogs. Many of the people that I follow on Twitter tweet when they have posted something to their blogs, so I started reading their blogs. Next I updated my Google Reader (where all new posts on blogs that I subscribe to are compiled) and am now following several blogs that enhance my learning even more (you can see my blog roll on the right). And it just keeps getting better. I find new people to follow on Twitter, I actually have people following me, and try to tweet something informative everyday. Because my job consists of helping teachers with technology integration, I would now like to share some of the knowledge that I have acquired with them and anyone else that may find it useful.
I have learned so much over the last month, and have so many new ideas of how technology can be used in the classroom to enhance learning, that I don't know where to begin. So, I will start with what inspired me, Twitter.
For those of you who are not familiar with Twitter, it is a microblogging tool where you can update what you are doing in 140 characters or less. Each microblog is called a tweet. In your tweets, you can add links, reply to tweets, or send direct messages. If you don't have a Twitter account, I highly suggest it. It is easy and free.

How to Get Started on Twitter:
Just go to and click on the "Get Started - Join" button and follow the instructions. Once you have an account, you will need to find people to follow. There are several ways to do this.
1. To find specific people, you can use Twitter's "Find People" at the top of your Twitter page. When there you can choose to find people on Twitter, from other networks, invite by email, or suggested users. I suggest "Find on Twitter" to start with.

Then you can type in the first name, last name, or username of the person you are looking for. If the name is popular, you may have to weed through several first.
2. You can also go to twitter4teachers to find teachers who teach a common subject or grade level.
3. I think the best way to find people to follow is by looking at who other people you trust follow. If you were to start with me, you would go to my Twitter page at At the bottom right are pictures of all the people I follow. If you click on a picture, it takes you to that person's page where you can see what type of information they are tweeting. If you like what a person tweets, click on the "follow" button under their picture. Now you will get their Tweets on your page.
Once you have found some people to follow, read their Tweets, follow links, and start Tweeting yourself. Your Twitter page will not refresh automatically so you will need to refresh to see recent tweets. If you want to get fancy, install TweetDeck or Thwirl to get automatic Twitter updates.

Important Twitter abreviations:
  • @username is used to reply to a tweet
  • RT means retweet (when you want to pass a tweet onto your PLN)
How to use Twitter in the Classroom?:
I got these from Twitter's own @tombarrett!

And check out this from @mrslwalker:

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